A Gift from the Youth of Somalia

The youth of Somalia are incredibly talented, hard working and show a relentless positive spirit despite the danger in their lives that they have grown used to across the country. 

I am incredibly proud of the young generation for standing up with their own voice and fighting for positive change. I was blessed with this beautiful gift from a young artist named Sharma Boy, with a song called ‘laga bax laandheere waxaa yimid maandheere’.

The song speaks directly to the current powers to show that they are tired of waiting. Millions of young people are showing their strength to tell the leaders that their voices cannot be ignored. 

This song has gone viral in Somalia and achieved over 2.5 million views on all platforms.

Young man, I hear your message and I am proud to have your support. Keep shining a bright light for the voice of your generation.

#Hope #Peace #Security #Inspiration #Somalia #StaroftheFuture #AbshirFerro2021

Dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed waa dad karti badan, howlkar ah oo muujiya niyad wanaagsan oo aan kala joogsi lahayn inkasta oo ay marwaliba lakulmaan dhibaatooyin badan gudihii dalka oo ay daqiiqad walbo lakulmi karaan xaalad halis ku ah naftooda iyo noloshooda.

Waxaan si aad ah ugu faraxsanahay jiilka dhalinyarada ah inay ku istaagaan codkooda una halgamayaan isbedel wanaagsan. Waxaan ku manaystay hadiyaddan quruxda badan ee ka timid fanaan da 'yar oo la yiraahdo Sharma Boy, hees la yiraahdo' laga bax laandheere waxaa yimid maandheere'.

Heesta ayaa si toos ah ula hadlaysa awoodaha hada jira si ay u muujiso inay ka daaleen sugitaan. Malaayiin dhalinyaro ah ayaa muujinaya awoodooda si ay ugu sheegaan hogaamiyaasha in aan codkooda la iska indha tiri karin.

Heestan ayaa ku baahday gudaha Soomaaliya waxayna ku guuleysatay in ka badan laba milyan iyo bar oo aragti ah dhammaan barnaamijyada.

Nin dhalinyaro ah, waan maqlay fariintaada waana ku faraxsanahay taageeradaada Iyo garab istaagga aad umuujineyso ummadda soomaaliyeed ee dhibaateysan . Sii wad inaad u ifiso nalka dhalaalaya codka jiilkaaga waxaa tihiin mustaqbalkeena Iyo nolosheena.

#Rajo #Nabad #Amni 


Why is Abshir Ferro Different from Other Candidates?


DW Documentary | Somalia Living with Violence & Terror