Abshir Aden Ferro's Press Release: “Let's not add division to division! Save the National Unity of Somalia”

Once again, Somalia is facing a crisis which, if not brought under control quickly, can undermine national unity and have very serious consequences.
By severing the diplomatic relations with our Kenyan neighbor, the authorities in Mogadishu are running the risk of engaging my dear old country in a process with irreversible and uncontrollable effects.

While we condemn the attempts at "destabilization" that come from outside and that are seriously threatening our national security and our territorial integrity, we must first of all exhaust all possibilities and not drag our country into a deadly escalation.

Aware of the seriousness of the crisis, concerned about the future of our country and the security of all Somalis, I strongly remind that it is necessary above all to favor dialogue and search for peaceful solutions, in particular with our direct neighbors.

The Alliance for the Future, which I chair, also emphasizes the absolute need not to fall into the amalgam trap of using an external circumstance to make it an electoral argument. Through its corruption and incompetence, the current government keeps Somalia in a state of civil war and permanent insecurity. It bears the heavy responsibility of its consequences.

I reaffirm that our people must not be held hostage to the ambitions of a spent President and Government, which no longer has popular support and legitimacy. Our brothers in Somaliland must participate in the unity and future of our common land. Let's not add division to division! Let’s not add new risks of conflict. All of us together must fight terrorism, corruption and insecurity in our country.

As a declared candidate for the next presidential election in Somalia, I pledge to my compatriots to restore security and the Rule of Law, to reform our institutions, restore good relations with our neighbors and lead Somalia on the path to Renewal, Unity and Peace.

Published on 12/21/2020.

Abshir Aden FERRO President of the Alliance for the Future Party

Candidate for Somalia's 2021 Presidential Elections. Contact: info@abshirferro.com


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